Monday, April 29, 2013


I hate to not be on a sight for a long time only to return and have a hard time changing account settings.  Its real difficult.  Maybe I should've blogged more (at least 1 a month) or kept a better track of things, but live and learn.

I also find myself trying to get back in the crochet and knit mode.  I have been trying to become a certified teacher in both knit and crochet.  Low and behold finding the time to complete the projects has proven harder than I thought.  Tomorrow is my deadline and tonight I have to bang out a few things then go mail them.  I'm going to have a busy night and morning.

After this I hope to just enjoy some personal knitting and crocheting time.  I have a lot of WIPs....I do mean a lot

Here's hoping to getting  my mojo back.....

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Been a Long Time.....


I just saw this tonight and with only a couple of days left decided to join in.  Its call the "knit and crochet blog week"  and its a yearly event.  I believe that I closely resemble the house of bee.  I like shiny objects and will go from one project to the next.  Hence the fact that I have lots of WIPs.  

The topic for today is Color.  My fav color is blue.  Most of my projects will either be all blue or have blue in it.  Its a far cry from the color of a bee, but hey I love it.  Its calming to me and simple.  The bee is simple.  It has a simple life of  gathering nectar from flowers and making honey.  Thats as close as my fav color will get to the bee is that its simple.  I'm sure there are other colors that are simple, too.  But, that is what dictates my color choice for my projects.... will it look good in blue.