Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Some Cool Buys

I've been a very busy girl lately. Who would've thought that a new job would take up majority of your life. Anyway, I did find time to stalk ebay for a whole set of dp's from sz 1 to 15 and look what I got. Its not the whole set pictured, but you get the idea. Having a entire set of dp's are great. A plus is that they are bamboo. I was so happy to win these and when they came I was elated. Now I am ready for anything. I thought this bear was oddly cute. Death by bee...so morbid. So me. Its from Debbie Stoller's new S & B book, " Son of Stitch and Bitch". Its full of great things for guys and girls. Admit it, guys have some cool things to wear now-adays that women can get away with wearing. This is a must to add to the S & B collection.
Argyle is definately in this yr. And what better way to wear it than a scarf using double knit. This is also From "Son of Stitch and Bitch". I already know one person who is going to knit this without complaint.
This is the cover

Thanks to other knitting blogs, (i.e. hipchicknits and deliciousstitches) I have found my way to Etsy and I bought these gorgeous stitch markers. They are blue...how could I pass on them.

I hope you go and get the new S & B book and visit Etsy if you get the chance.

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