Saturday, April 19, 2008

Star Day at City Knits

After shopping around for yarn for my new winter hat, "The Schwartz Hat" from the movie
"Christmas Story" ( I found the pattern here) I got the chance to sit and chat with none other than Brett Bara, editor of "Crochet Today" magazine and Candi Jenson, author.

Above is Candi signing a book for JoAnne. Unfortunately, I didn't catch her in the photo. Candi is such a nice person. She explained how her "Crochet Bags, Crochet Hats, Crochet Scarves" books were all die-cut and were done by hand in China. Its one of the better jobs there because the room they work in is air-conditioned. We all felt bad and she didn't want to have here books done that way, but they explained to her that its providing a very good income for the workers and like I said before its air-conditioned and considered a better job.

This is Bret listening to a story along with a customer of CK (City Knits). I find that like Candi, Brett also is easy going. She explained that new episodes of "Knit and Crochet Today" will be airing this September. (Check your local Public Television listings) Its currently not being showed because they are shooting new episodes.
I enjoyed talking to them and having my books signed by Candi and my magazine signed by Brett. I can't wait for the new episodes to come on. But, until then I have my magazines and Candi Jenson books to read.

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